Monday, October 19, 2009
Do I need a better job to have an opinion?
About three and a half years ago I was at a restaurant in Las Vegas enjoying dinner with a group of people. When talk turned to the various mega construction projects going up on and around the Strip, I made a simple observation:

"There's no way all of these projects are going to be built. There's only so much growth one city can handle before it reaches a saturation point."

At the time, I worked as a vendor at Home Depot stores. One of the people at the table, some typical arrogant douchebag, believed that invalidated my opinion.

"Yeah, maybe they should just build a Home Depot on the Strip," he said. Heh. Funny line.

Well, never mind that I WAS RIGHT, that several of those projects were never even started, and even more were delayed or drastically downscaled; that isn't the point. I'm certainly no economic mastermind, but I am sometimes capable of common sense, which is all it took to realize the building frenzy couldn't last forever.

The fucking point was and still is that despite my lowly lot in life, I have a right to engage in conversation without having my job thrown back in my face whenever someone doesn't have a counterpoint or simply doesn't want to listen to me.

I was reminded of this unfortunate incident by something that happened today. Yeah, I'm sure it was a joke and I'm being sensitive blah blah blah, but it really pissed me off.

Quite simply, if anyone has a problem with what I do for a living, they can straight up go fuck themselves. That is all.


Blogger Unknown said...

And were you in your pj's eating Cheetos when you typed up this tripe?

(Kidding. Just kidding. I know how you bloggers can be so sensitive.)

Blogger Marv said...

That does suck. It would be like a Republican totally disregarding a good argument simply because it came from a Democrat. Or vice versa. Like if someone said, "Oh I know you make logical sense, but I hate Democrats so instead I'm going to ignore your wisdom and focus only on the big D next to your name."

Blogger Ubermilf said...

You won't believe the things I know longer know or am now incapable of doing since deciding to leave the workplace to raise my children.

And the sad thing is, I believe it sometimes.

So you can talk to me; I won't look down my nose at you. And if I disagree with you, you can always say, "What the hell do YOU know? YOU don't even have a JOB!"

Blogger Ian McGibboney said...

By that logic, George W. Bush was the smartest man in the world for eight years. I wonder if all that intelligence went away now that he's out of there.

Blogger Ubermilf said...

Ian McGibboney made me feel better about myself.

Blogger Splade said...

I've heard that "Common Sense" has been downgraded to "Exclusive Sense" as so many people are now incapable of it.

I remember that night bro. I know exactly the conversation you are referring to. B.S. Regardless of what you do, and despite your way off base political views(I had to say it), you are the smartest person I know by a wide margin. I think that perhaps it isn't people judging your job, more that they are jealous they don't have your IQ.

Blogger Sysm said...

I've always found you erudite, insightful, and reasoned.

Sounds like you were cold-cocked by a douche-nozzle.

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