Monday, June 23, 2008
Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.

George Carlin died yesterday at the age of 71. The title of this post consists of the famous Seven Dirty Words You Can't Say on Television that he popularized in the '70s. You can say "tits" on broadcast TV now, and sometimes you can say "shit", so I guess we've progressed as a society in the past 35 years.*

In the past few years Carlin was probably more bitter than funny, but when he was younger he was one of the top five comedians of all time. When an all time great dies, I think it's wise to pay tribute. And I liked the way he never took any shit from anyone.

I remember watching a George Carlin comedy special on HBO during the summer of 2001. I was sitting in my apartment basking in the glow of pre-9/11 crapulence. I believe I was eating thrice-fried chicken wings and washing them down with the ill-fated beverage Coke Gravy.

Anyway, Carlin started ripping on the name "Todd", just eviscerating my first name. I thought it was pretty funny. The phone rang, and it was my mom.

Mom: "Ha, are you watching HBO? George Carlin is making fun of your name! Hahaha."

Me: "You named me, crazy lady."

Rest in peace, George Carlin. Wherever you are, don't take any shit.

*No we haven't. In fact, society is in shambles. More on this later...


Blogger flounder said...

I saw him in Atlantic City a couple of times, and each show was different than the last. He was just so original and hysterical.

I agree with you that he was more bitter than funny in the past few years. I also loved that he was the voice on Thomas the Tank Engine!

Blogger Ubermilf said...

I hope he's in heaven just for the irony.

Blogger Ian McGibboney said...

What ubermilf said. As always.

I saw him in Springfield this past December. He had fortunately lightened up, but was still funny as ever. He talked about getting older and mellowing out. I'm glad I got to see him before he left us. What a guy.

Blogger John said...

I remember sitting in your room in the house off Taylor Blvd. listening to one of his albums. I think it was the one with the Seven Dirty Words track. I'll miss him.

Blogger Maddie said...

Your mom sounds like a funny lady.

I'm sad about George Carlin.

This is my all time favorite Carlin bit:

I'm sure all my lib friends will here on DWAFM will love it too.

Blogger Blonde said...

I was watching the movie Just Friends on Comedy Central last night and was surprised that the word PUSSY was on tv.

RIP George.

Blogger Fella said...

You can say three of those words on TV now.

Blogger Johnny Yen said...

He was still pretty motherfucking funny in his later years-- brilliant political and social commentary.

On Saturday, we had SNL on at work only because they were showing that first ever SNL show when 1. They were actually relevant and funny and 2. George Carlin was the host. Some of it was just him rehashing some of his better known bits, but other parts showed his searing wit and intelligence.

It also sobered me knowing that at the time he did it, 33 years ago, he was 37, ten years younger than I am now.

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