Wednesday, June 25, 2008
A vote for McCain is a vote for Bush
See what I did in that title? I linked presidential candidate John McCain to a highly unpopular sitting president from the same political party. That's a little trick I learned from apprentice scumbag Karl Rove, who in turn learned it from scumbag emeritus Lee Atwater.

A quick word about Lee Atwater: When he lay on his deathbed, he publicly apologized for the "slash and burn" style of political campaigning that he practically invented. In other words, most modern political discourse is derived from a type of slander so vile that its own creator disavowed it for fear it would doom him to eternal damnation. Why else would he say he was sorry for the lies he told and the reputations he destroyed if not for a deep-seated fear of burning in hell?

Last year I watched a fascinating HBO special on Barry Goldwater. Since Senator Goldwater was unopposed for the 1964 Republican presidential nomination, he and President Kennedy made plans to travel TOGETHER on a bus and have informal debates in selected cities around the country. Goldwater and Kennedy were former congressional coworkers and friends who just happened to have very different views of how to run the country, so there was no personal vendetta, only policy disagreement.

Of course, the idea died when Kennedy was assassinated. Lyndon Johnson and Goldwater hated each other, so instead of a wonderful display of unfiltered democracy, the nation was treated to months of name-calling.

So what is this blog going to do to raise the level of political discourse? Not a fucking thing. It's too much fun to slander the Republicans; and besides, not a lot of people read this. For instance, say I state a BLATANT FALSEHOOD such as "John McCain butt-raped an eight-year-old and gave him hepatitis-c." Even if I printed this lie as fact, without disclaimers, it still wouldn't do as much damage as another half-truth about Obama on Michelle Malkin's blog. I'm fighting a losing battle, but I enjoy the fight.

So, in the coming months when I point out McCain's misstatements and/or blunders and you think to yourself, "Hey, what about Obama's fuck ups?" rest assured I'm ignoring them to advance my own agenda! If you want to go up Obama's ass with a microscope, feel free to read the websites of Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, etc. You'll get your fill from them.

Unrelated note: Just today my right wing brother, whom I love dearly, linked to a George Carlin routine mocking environmentalists. At the same time, some atheist blogger friends posted a Carlin routine mocking religion. I can think of no greater proof of George Carlin's brilliance than having his work used to promote the agendas of two such completely different people.


Blogger Alison said...

I don't comment often, but I have to tell you now that I love reading your blog.

And if I could make the above comment less ass-kissing and cheesy, I'd do it.

Blogger Ubermilf said...

I enjoy reading your blog because you're me in hulking, huge, hairy male form.

So, really, I just like reading my own stuff.

Blogger Ian McGibboney said...


Blogger Vache Folle said...

It was hepatitis b, not c. Get your facts down if you want to be taken seriously as a citizen journalist. And the kid looked a lot older than 8.

Blogger jazzbonejoe said...

This is going to a dark place...

Blogger Ian McGibboney said...

I'm much less likely to vote for McCain. Not because of your push-poll blogging, though, but because it's the smart thing not to do.

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

This blog is so educational.

Blogger John said...

Doesn't matter who you vote for, other than how it makes you feel.

Blogger Fella said...

Michelle Malkin can scrub my sack.

Blogger Ian McGibboney said...

Nick, she'd probably happily do so.

Love ya back bro. Still voting for someone who won't give you "free" healthcare....

You must have forgotten about the billionaire funded hate sites the left uses to smear and slander anyone who disagrees with them. I don't think you are as alone in your fight as you say.

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