I wasn't fond of spending Thanksgiving at a stranger's house. There wasn't the ludicrous consumption of alcohol that marked my first few turkey days in this city, and when the Cowboys' place kicker missed a chip-shot field goal I couldn't call him a "palsy-legged cockbobber" like I really wanted to. Also, even though her dad was cool, the mom seemed put-out that we were there.
The turkey was moist and delicious, but the side dishes were bland. That's what I get from being from a part of the country where people season foods that they cook. Someone needs to buy this woman a spice rack for Christmas.
While I was at the casino, I walked past the line for the Thanksgiving Buffet and heard an employee tell people it was at least a two hour wait from where they stood. Holy shit, that's a lot of non-cooking fucks standing there. There are probably at least two generations of Americans who can't cook for shit, so it all made sense to me.
I miss being home for Thanksgiving. It could have been worse, though. I could have been one of the guys working at Fatburger on the holiday.
Oh, and as predicted, working on Friday sucked a big, fat, wart-encrusted donkey cock. Everyone have a great weekend. I'm off until Monday.
Sounds like your fatburger was probably seasoned better than those sidedishes! Jeeeez, that's a sad statement. Working on Black Friday has to be THE WORST! Ugh. I feel for ya, Todd.
Also, I can't believe I'm first to comment!!! Then again, maybe this means I'm a total loser to be commenting on blogs on a friday night during a holiday weekend!
I find that people respond well to the truth. They may not want to hear it but at least they'll respect you for having the balls to say it. That being said I would have called the Cowboy's kicker a palsy-legged cockbobber, in front of God and everyone.
Were the shelves stocked appropriately at the home improvement stores? I'm a sucker and bought a drill from Lowe's today because ours recently died. Enjoy your time off.
I have never had a Fatburger. I hear the milkshakes are fanfreakingtastic though. Good shakes are enough to get me in the door.
fatburgers are just awesome, especially if you get the kingburger with cheese, bacon and a fried egg. i'm not even kidding about the egg. they're second only to in 'n out's double doubles.
i miss the left coast
I've never had Fatburger, so you can take me there when we are drunk :).
I would rather have spent my Thanksgiving with strangers. I swear every time I am around my family that they are Punk'ding me. There is no way these people are for real AND related to me.
Have a fabulous weekend!
I'm the loser, because I'm answering comments on a Friday night during a holiday weekend.
oh, I should have, for he is truly a gimp-footed cunticle.
I encourage everyone to shop at Lowe's. Boycott Home Depot.
right now the only things I like about this town are In n out and fatburger, and I'm on a diet, so I can't eat at either one of them.
I'm sorry you didn't have a better Thanksgiving. We'll definitely go to Fatburger.
Care to expand on the Home Depot boycott? I just want your take, and maybe Nick's too. Lowe's is right down the street from me so we tend to go there more often. Do you rep for Lowe's?
My reasons for loathing The Home Depot are more personal than anything.
You may see for yourself, Egan. Here, here and here.
That second post is how I found Nick in the first place.
I hit the "next blog" button, read about his harrowing experience, and fell in love forever.
that post also contains my first comment to Nick, ever.
except for baking those pies, I can't could anything. The very idea of trying to fix a turkey makes me laugh.
egan and nick,
actually, I rep for Home Depot, which is why I hate the place. They treat their employees like shit, and now they're trying to do the same to the vendors.
I began this job working M-F, 6am-2:30pm. Now Home Depot forces us to work Wednesdays from 12:30pm-9pm; but I'm still expected to be at another store at 6am the next day.
How does Home Depot "force" us to work certain hours when they don't officially employ us? By extortion and threats to the various companies that do employ us, as in "If you don't play along, we won't renew your contract." All of the vendor groups do whatever Home Depot says.
Home Depot is truly the Wal-Mart of home improvement. The reason my position exists? About a year ago Home Depot said to all of the companies who carry products in their stores, "We're going to start having in store service reps for your products, and you're going to pay for it. If not, we won't carry your product." The companies pay extortion money to Home Depot, Home Depot pays a percentage of that to the vendor companies, and they take a miniscule piece of that and pay us.
So, that's why I dislike Home Depot.
I noticed from my archives you commented on my blog back in May, but not again until a few months later.
I really don't have a point to that. Uh, have a great weekend, Ubie.
BTW todd, How do you feel about the whole Burger King vs Mcdonalds thing? Are you a flame-broiled kind of guy?
I would have enjoyed Fatburger with you over my family any day of the week.
Hope your weekend away is a good one. Miss you!
Todd, I admit I LOVE Home Depot, actually I was just there today looking at X-mas trees. I get all my plants from there and was eyeing those orchids today. Hope your holiday rocked, have a great weekend (what's left of it)!
thanks to Fatburger and In-n-Out, I never have to darken the doors of McDonald's or Burger King, but I guess I prefer McDonald's for their fries and the Big Mac.
Italian by yourself? I have to have turkey and the trimmings on Thanksgiving. If I was somewhere without fam and friends, I would find a restaurant that serves Thanksgiving dinner and eat there.
well, I'm answering these, so I'm not technically "away". I just don't want to post for a day or two. I'm sorry you don't have a better time at the holidays. If you happen to be near Louisville, Ky on Christmas, let me know.
Go to Lowe's instead. They have the same stuff with much better customer service.
I've never had a Fatburger.
what? You're not drunk again, are you? That's another reason to come back to Vegas. There's a Fatburger right on the strip.
Surprisingly, I'm not drunk! I think there's a Fatburger nearby, but I have a hard time not running for In-n-Out when I want a burger.
I like in-n-out much better, but they aren't: Open 24 hours, located in casinos, open on Thanksgiving. I like to be sober when eating in-n-out so I can savor each bite. Gee, the way I obsess over food it's hard to believe I'm a big fattie.
When I come to visit you are taking me to Fatburger.
Todd, thanks for explaining that. I see those vendor reps all the time and don't see them in Lowe's. Hilti, Carrier, and others have the reps. Seems like Best Buy is doing the same thing as Home Depot. We have some good friends that work for a company, Team Marketing, that essentially performs the same function as you. Or from what I can tell. I have also heard lots of Home Depot dollars go to the Republicans. I do like the self-service checkouts though because talking with humans is overrated.
I consider that a binding contract that you will visit me in the next six months.
All of the employees of Home Depot hate the place. It's actually quite funny.
Word to the bizzare Thanksgiving. I spent the day asleep (I worked Wednesday night until 7am), packing, and eating a breakfast dinner at Cracker Barrel. No boozing for me. Ah well.
I can't cook much, but I can cook some stuff. I actually cooked dinner tonight for the first time in a while. Until I got married I was cooking a bit, but my wife is such a good cook I don't do shit anymore.
I miss Cracker Barrell. Did you have my favorite of their breakfasts, Uncle Fucker's Plowman's Platter?
I appreciate the truth-in-advertising.
Todd, that's fucking hilarious. I did in fact have Uncle Fucker's Plowmans Platter. Although, my brother-in-law put me to shame and ate himself completely sick.
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