Ladies and gents, this is Scarlett Johansson, also known as Scar Jo to the hip kids (and dirty old men). No, I haven't just discovered her. I've admired her ever since Ghost World a few years ago. Only recently, however, have I been seriously thinking of making her the official object of my harmless yet pukingly pathetic 'dateless middle-aged guy' obsession.
This may come as quite the revelation to some of you, but I have this thing for Jessica Alba. I know, you wouldn't suspect a thing from reading this blog, but I kind of think she's sorta hot.
But sweet buddha, Scarlett is hot, too! I mean, just look at her. Okay, stop looking, I'm not done yet, PAY ATTENTION TO ME! And this is going to make me seem even lamer than usual, but I'm pretty sure she's smarter than Jessica. Jess is no mensa candidate. And Scar Jo is such a better actress who makes MUCH better films. With the exception of Sin City and a guest spot on Entourage, I've never watched a Jessica Alba performance with the sound on. Seriously, I listen to music and bask in the soothing glow of her physical perfection. With Scarlett, I can expel my lust-drool and still enjoy the movie. It's quite a dilemma, this whole "which gorgeous Hollywood starlet who would grimace in disgust if she saw me on the street and wouldn't fuck me if she just got bitten by a snake and my cock was a licensed antidote dispenser should I dream about to keep me from jumping off the observation deck of the Stratosphere" decision. Everytime I think Ms. Johansson's a lock, my natural affinity for dark hair and olive skin brings me right back to Jessica.
How about this: Recreational lesbianism between Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson, and my favorite blogger fantasy, Princess Steph? That's a nice compromise.
Note: I wouldn't have mentioned Steph if I didn't seriously believe she can take a joke. She's very cool.
That's a serious dilemma you're in there, Todd. Personally, I'm with Scar. I like my girls with something between the ears. However, the fantsy lesbianism would be quite nice.
I loved Ghost World, by the way.
Or, you could keep Scarlett for now and hold out for a new Meditearanean (sp?) beauty with a brain.
I would have a threesome with Jessica Alba and Scar Jo :).
You should have asked me...
I don't get Jessica Alba. Well, I get her, I just don't GET her. On the other hand, Scarlett Johansson, I totally get.
Scar Jo was hot in Ghost World, in a "neo-alterna, post-post-grunge, possibly underaged" kind of way.
all joking aside, all I want is someone smart and funny (and not "Dilbert" funny, actually funny) to put up with some of my shit but not let me get away with being a complete bastard.
dammit, you always say you're not into chicks. Seriously, if you ever kissed a girl in front of me my heart would stop. They'd have to cart me away.
ms. pants,
so, when you're in Vegas for your birthday, I'll have Scar put on a show for you.
I only treat women as sex objects when they present themselves as such. Or when I'm horny.
Move to Utah. Marry them all. Jessica can have sex with you, Scarlett can peel you grapes, and Steph can make you laugh.
Then just rotate the schedule on a nightly basis.
Scarlett all the way. She's hot and talented. I'd switch teams for her!
steph is funny, yes; but it really isn't her sense of humor that I covet.
all joking aside, you don't have to kiss anyone, babe. I'm looking forward to having a drink with you.
I'd rather stay here and not get married, but it's sweet that you're thinking of my best interests.
yeah, I'm avoiding Utah like R. Kelly avoids girls who've gotten their pubes.
if you ever switch teams, I'll be happy to be your coach. Ha.
I am always thinking of your best interests babe. Don't you fucking forget it.
when I tried to respond to your blog, it said only members of your blog group could comment. If you want comments, you should change that.
no thanks. I'll worship her from afar.
I love it when you talk dirty.
Scarlett is totally on my list Todd. Nice choice.
What egan said. She's what we call "well fit"
I wouldn't want to ruin the experience by seeing myself. Ugh.
I am mesmerized by her.
The English have such an eloquent way of saying "I'd like to fuck her senseless."
I don't even know you anymore.
no, really, I'm the same lonely pervert you've come to know and tolerate.
True, her low post defense could use some work.
in my head it already happened. You were great, by the way.
Ok. I've added her to my list too.
- not recreational.
I'm in the same boat with you on this one. I can't decide who is the hottest babe on the planet, Scarlett or Jessica. Thora Birch is up there in my book as well, yeah I bought the dvd. And I really wish that Lindsy Lohan would gain some weight and bring back those tits. I'm not sure if Scarlet is any smart than Jessica, she just gets cast in more artsy movies.
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