Quit rubbing your eyes; this is indeed a rendering of George W. Bush engaged in prayer with the ghostly images of Abe Lincoln and George Washington. Uncocksuckingbelievable!
PEOPLE MAKE MONEY SELLING THIS SHIT! Anyone who pays for this mental pablum needs to be institutionalized. And that's a lot of occupied rubber rooms, because a hell of a lot of people think President Fuckwad deserves to be on Mt. Rushmore.
I want to design my own picture of George W. Bush praying; on his left, an image of a young George W. being arrested for drunk driving back in 1976. On his right, an image of him being arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct at a college football game.
Jesus Herman Christ, do you know how drunk and disorderly you have to be to get thrown out of a college football game? Several years ago at a University of Louisville game I fist- fucked a one-legged albino and didn't get thrown out. In fact, the entire incident was shown on the stadium scoreboard, and we received a standing ovation. And it was all accomplished without the help of those meddling spectres Lincoln and Washington.
I like your George W. picture much better than that piece of shit at the top of this post.
I'm also fucking tired of the tacky magnetic car ribbons. They're like a creepy projection of the christian fish symbol. If people really want to help a cause why don't they donate the fucking money they spend on the garbage magnets to whatever fucking cause they claim to promote?
Egan, you're my hero.
a cop drove you to your car so your drunken ass could drive home? Behold the power of tits.
I think I saw your donkey show on a Sports Bloopers DVD. I'd never seen a donkey die of exhaustion until then.
ms. pants,
yes, my picture of Bush would be much better than the one with the dead presidents. I think I angered up your blood, huh?
no really, that albino would totally walk with a limp if she had two legs. Should "albino" be "pigment-deprived"?
is egan the "Wind Beneath Your Wings"?
Thanks Pants. Just kindly remove them from cars when you see them. That's what I do.
I wouldn't want anyone to take something from my vehicle just because they disagreed with its message, so I can't endorse this. I do, however, encourage the continued mockery of those stupid ribbons.
You have angried up my blood and I shall take it out on Donald Rumsfeld.
I still think they are standing on either side of him yelling "SCHMUCK!!!"
Bill Hicks used to say during the FIRST Gulf war, "I'm in the awkward position of being for the war, but against the troops." He was joking, but that didn't stop people from throwing things at him.
Jesus' estate charges too high a copyright fee.
Ubie v. Rumie? Kick his fuckin' ass! What can I say to anger up your blood even more? "President Bush's newest Supreme Court nominee will be easily confirmed and go on to set women's rights back fifty years."
True, it's probably a word they learned in heaven watching Henny Youngman's act.
You've been to Bowling Green, Kentucky? If so, you realize that drinking is all they have to do.
Bill was a genius. I love listening to his shows where he and the audience just hate each other. His jokes bomb and then he'll go on a tangent about how shitty the audience is. Mutual disdain makey good comedy.
Todd, I feel you man about the stealing thing. However it's a fucking two dollar magnet made in China to supposedly support our troops. Where's the two dollars going?
To me it's profiteering off the war. You wouldn't see me peel off a Bush/Cheney or Pro-life bumper sticker as much as I would like to do that. I just take issue with the yellow ribbon magnets. Nuff said and I respect your oh-pin-yun.
Have you read American Scream: The Bill Hicks Story? Good stuff.
yeah, it would be better to donate money to a worthy cause. The VFW was outside of my local grocery the other day, so I gave them a few dollars. They support sick and impoverished vets that the government has turned their back on.
That bumpersticker is one of the most offensive things I've seen in my entire life.
And those magnets...at least we're spreading economic liberty ala Wal-Mart to those chinese workers...
Amen Todd.
I can't top of any these stories.
And may I ask when in Hades I will be higher than like 86 in your list of comments?!? Come on! ;)
Brilliant! And for the life of me I will never understand why vets & military people tend to vote Republican. I guess because that party has the more "masculine" reputation but the Dems are far better to the military. Disabled vets who've lost a few limbs get their discharge papers, about $700/mo in disability, and then are cast into a life of poverty. It's a pathetic shame!!
Ah yes... this is why I love that John Prine song, "Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore".
Creepy Photo Todd. Thanks for making my Halloween complete.
You are so my hero, I love you!
wow, and you're a Vegas native, so you've seen some offensive things.
bless you, my son.
how do you fly into Bowling Green? Do you own a helicopter?
this is between you and Nick, so, moving on...
I believe it. Reagan was a known turd-burgler.
I don't think I've ever been in the top forty of your comments, oh queen of bloggers.
I just got home, so I'll read your post when I'm done here.
no one who's been shot at to protect my right to be a slacker should have to live in poverty.
when I first saw this, well over a year ago, it was about 130 out and it was on the bumper of a Lexus. I almost died of heatstroke.
I love you more.
anyone, especially post-9-11, can get thrown out of an airport. Getting thrown out of a college football game is something special.
Steph, I know you're an intelligent person. Doesn't that bumper sticker, regardless of your political beliefs, insult your intelligence?
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