Monday, January 16, 2006
Reflections on MLK Day
I hope everyone with "real" jobs enjoyed their long weekend. The douchebags at our corporate office made us work on MLK day; they aren't racists, just cheap-ass pieces of human filth. I wish annoying but benign cysts on the lot of them. Damn, I'm getting soft in my old age. Just a few years ago I would have prayed for them all to die slow, painful deaths. I'm losing my edge, man.

Today we celebrated the life of a man who knew he was going to die if he did the right thing, and then did it anyway. That's always society's reward for someone who tries to make things just a little better: A bullet to the head. Then we "reward" Dr. King posthumously by giving him a "three day weekend" holiday so car dealerships can have their first post-New Year's sale. "I had a dream that we would sell this Kia for $8,995."

I think the most cynical move ever, which occurs in every medium-to-large sized city in the United States, is the renaming of a run-down street in Martin Luther King's honor. They always choose a segregated, crime-ridden, drug-infested slice of abject poverty and rename a street, as if to suggest "This is so much easier than trying to make the slightest effort at confronting the root causes of poverty." I know larger cities all have thriving multi-racial, multi-cultural neighborhoods. That sort of unforced diversity was MLK's dream, so name a street in one of those areas after him. His dream didn't have anything to do with trying to solve real problems with hollow gestures.


Blogger Shannon said...

I work a few blocks east of MLK...and I learned that my org didn't invite us to their MLK day celebration. Interesting.

Blogger Maddie said...

I don't have a "real" job either. Last year I made a joke about our company not supporting civil rights but being all over the wealthy white guy's holiday (president's day). I'm surprised I still have a job.

Pretty sure we don't have a MLK drive or street anywhere in this little burg.

There were some nice celebrations of the man and his life taking place across the country, just not in my neck of the woods.

Great post hon!

Blogger Ubermilf said...

I apologize. Your post inspired me too much. It's a blog post now.

Blogger Tumbleweed said...

Does this mean your balck or just passionate about rights?
I don't get MLK day or Presidents Day off and I work for City Government, go figure.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost didn't recognize the writing for a moment... you actually sounded like you care!

Blogger yournamehere said...

do I smell a conspiracy?

you still have a job because they're spying on you.

I've heard that. It's great.

I'm all for tributes, but the holiday seems more for a long weekend.

don't apologize. You only inspire me to keep blogging.

sick people blow.

no, I'm as white as it gets. What fucked up city do you work for?

that was a guest post.

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

A very fitting tribute from Todd.

Blogger yournamehere said...

I'm also sure MLK didn't dream about being mentioned in some random idiot's foul-mouthed blog.

thank you for your well thought out comments.

Blogger Dani said...

Is this fixing to become one of them-there intellectual sites? You didn't use "cunt" ONCE in that post. And your writing provoked thoughtful and inciteful comments from people. Not cool, Todd.

Blogger sandegaye said...

Excellent posting! You not only have the ability to make me laugh.. but even greater, the opportunity to contemplate.
Love your show.

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