Monday, April 24, 2006
Hillary Can't Win

Those of you aware of the liberal slant of this blog may be thinking "Hillary Can't Win" refers to her unfair treatment by the Right Wing Hate Machine, led by Rush "Worthless Hypocrite Drug-Addicted Sack of Fuck-Runoff" Limbaugh and Bill "Sexually Harass My Subordinates" O'Reilly; but you'd be wrong. Oh sure, they treat her like a minority in 1956 Alabama, but that's to be expected. Getting mad at Rush Limbaugh for slandering a liberal is like getting mad at a skunk for stinking.

Actually, I mean Hillary can't win, as in if we put our hopes on her to regain the White House, Jeb Bush may be inaugurated in January 2009.

Yeah, I'd vote for Hillary, but guess what? I've voted for an assortment of Democratic losers in my life, beginning with Michael Dukakis. I'm of the mindset that I'm FUCKING TIRED OF VOTING FOR LOSERS! I want to win the next election, and I don't think Hillary Clinton can win in a general election.

To begin with, it's a fact that the Democrats need a few red states, or just one if it's Ohio, in addition to the ones Kerry got in '04, and I don't think any of those much-needed states will go for a woman as president.

Now, before my lovely, intelligent female readers desert my blog like fans of good music at a Nickelback concert, let me make myself perfectly clear: I think a woman is fully capable of running this country; I just don't think a woman can be elected at this time. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't want to be proven right and have another Karl Rove puppet in the White House.

Am I underestimating the American public? Have I spent too much time observing the mulleted, scooter-bound human pork rinds at Wal-Mart and Home Depot to imagine a nation willing to elect Hillary Clinton as Commander-in-Chief? As always, your opinions are welcome; or if they differ from mine, begrudgingly tolerated.

Note:Vast, if you want to express your opinion, please email or call me. Thanks.


Blogger Modigliani said...

8 years has been ENOUGH already! Our country has become completely screwed by you-know-who. I want a democratic candidate that can bring it home, whether that person's male or female.

Blogger Stephanie said...

Unfortunatly America is tired of Bush and would put a democrat in office.....

Being a woman I really don't think the country needs a woman president what happens if she has her period and gets all hormonal?

Blogger FRITZ said...


I don't think HILARY is the right candidate. That has less to do with her being a woman and more to do with her bing Hilary.

And for what it's worth, I do think America could handle a female president, but beyond that, I WANT A FUCKING WINNER, TOO.

That's all I want, at this point. Someone logical and not a complete cuntpussy when it comes to politics. Someone who won't dodge the questions and who WILL call out assholes on the carpet and someone who will secretly HATE BUSH with a passion as deep and fervent as mine.

Blogger FRITZ said...

Stephanie: you were fucking kidding, right? Because if you weren't, someone needs to revoke your ability to reproduce.

Blogger Dan said...

Sad but true. Hilary's too divisive. I suspect she would be a great Prez, but she's got a snowball's chance in hell of winning over the moderate voters who have been convinced by the Republican Noise Machine that Hilary is "too liberal" and "out of touch with Real Americans" and the usual litany of bullshit.

Blogger Dr. Chingasa said...

I think America is about 1 generation away from being able to handle a non-traditional president, be it woman, minority, Jew, etc. The baby-boomers gotta die off first. My dad, aging baby boomer and fine barometer of all that is Texan, Southern Baptist, Homophobic, and Republican, said this to me recently in regards to Hillary Clinton, " I'll disown you if you vote for that woman. I know you and your woman will disagree, but a woman has no place as the president." Now, having said all that, this man is a college-educated, successful, self employed businessman.

I agree with Todd. Now is not the time for Hillary, she has too much political baggage and is, despite what Republicans say, a Centrist fence sitter and is out of touch with real people.

I abhor the Republican's piss poor foreign policy, and lack of leadership in environmental and energy issues, but the Democrat party leaders are not much better if people like Hillary and Kerry are even given the stage at the convention.

What's needed right now is a democratic candidate with Leadership (capital L) skills who can be radical (but not necessarily leftist). I say radical because some serious changes need to be made quickly to save America from the downward spiral: foreign policy of diplomacy and aid rather than war making, radical environmental leadership, energy crisis avoidance and incentives for clean alternatives & research, and finally diversity leadership that acknowledges the changing demographics of America and laws that follow.

Hillary just doesn't fit the bill.

Blogger Violet said...

I agree with most people on this one - a female candidate *could* win, but I don't think Hillary is that candidate. Oddly enough, I think that either "first" woman or African-American president is going to have to be a Republican. After all, they seem pretty keen on Phyllis Schlafly and Ann Coulter, though I hate, absolutely hate to admit that. (Awhile back, I thought that Ann Richards would make a passible first woman president, but I have no idea what she's up to.)

At any rate, let's wait on the firsts - we need some sanity in the WH. And hopefully we'll get a democratic candidate who fits the bill.

Blogger onewaybanter said...

Dr. Chingasa totally turned me on.

Blogger Fella said...

It's a god damn shame that Tits is right, but she is right.

If Hillary wins the nomination the democrats are pissing the white house away for at least 4 more years.

I think she is qualified and would perform her duties admirably, but I don't think she can win.

Neither could Barack Obama and he would make a fine president.

Our country sucks, sometimes.

Blogger Fumbling said...

I'm with you. I'm all for Hilary winning the presidency, but I'd rather another man take the role as long as he's not a Republican. And, yeah, I don't see this country backing her. It's sad.

I am so glad Nick mentioned Obama because he would make a great president. Unlike Nick I think Obama could win.

But what am I saying? Toodles, what are you saying? This isn't the kind of stuff I come here to read. There wasn't a cunt in the whole thing.

Blogger Cherry! said...

It would be interesting to see a woman as the president, but I don't think it will happen for a while.

Blogger Fella said...

I think our country is more likely to elect a black leader (like Barack) before a woman. But neither of these things will occur anytime soon. The saddest thing of all is that Hillary and Barack are both so insanely smarter than our current president.

Blogger Unknown said...

Considering the sterling job men have done running the country, I'm all for a woman president, too. However, I don't think Hillary is the one. I don't think she's shrewd enough and the immense baggage she carries with her in the form of her husband's scandal in office, would definitely keep her from being elected.

I'm with you. I'm tired of losing elections. Let's get as mean as the Republicans. Let's tell the same kind of lies. Let's get in office and start undoing the damage. Let's take the country back from the corporations and religious nuts.

Blogger Andi said...


Blogger Tumbleweed said...

politics suck....sorry just my opinion.

Blogger Ubermilf said...

I agree with Fritz and Tits. That rhymes! How about that for a presidential ticket? Elect Fritz and Tits!

Also, I really like Rachel's hair. but when I tried to achieve that color it turned an unpleasant shade of orange.

Blogger Shelly said...

I agree with Dr. Chingasa. We're at least one generation from a minority president. I think that either Hillary or Obama would make a damn good president, but neither of them stand a snowball's chance in 2008. Hillary is one of the most polarizing political figures of the last 15 years. Bill won in '92 *despite* her. Conservatives hated her because "she's not a lady". They said the same thing about Teresa Heinz Kerry in '04. We're in a serious fundamentalist Christian swing right now and the only candidate who can win is going to be a white male. Sad, but true. It's going to take longer for some of Bush's shitty policies to bear rotten fruit before the conservative right gets desperate enough to elect *anyone* who is not a Republican.

Argh, I need to go lie down now.

Blogger Cold Hands said...

you are correct. you should just give up now and become a republican.

Blogger da buttah said...

um. hi!

*walks her conservative ass right on out of the comments section*

Blogger da buttah said...

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Blogger da buttah said...

oh..what about republicans like john mccain? not a religious zealot, or a bigot, but not a bleeding heart liberal who flip flops and fence sits.

Blogger Tits McGee said...

Let me get this straight, Teri. You wouldn't want to elect a female or minority president because you'd be afraid they might be killed?! The mind boggles.

And as for you, Da Buttah, you want to talk about flip-flops? Go read this.

So, Fritz. What do you say? Is public office a-calling?

Blogger Unknown said...

Ann Richards info update:

In March 2006, Richards announced that she had been diagnosed with esophageal cancer

Blogger Fella said...

People who pigeon hole all democrats as indecisive bleeding heart liberals do nothing to further the goals of politics.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

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Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

I love how da buttah had to qualify that there was a republican who was not a religious zealot or a bigot but was more then happy to deem all democrats as "bleeding heart liberals" and flip-flops

This country isn't ready for a female president and having frickin geena davis with her massive fake cheeks portraying her on television didn't help.

Ever since Hillary started her "I might run for president campaign" she has turned hard towards the middle and that won't endear her to her base.
I think the democrats need more then a charismatic leader, they need to have more aggressive policy that won't lay back and take all of the republicans bullshit.

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Regardless of how people feel about Hillary, women can run a country and be as strong, compassionate, ruthless, good, evil, and just about every characteristic that man exhibit.

By this, I mean characteristics that men both respect and revile, that they understand and fear.

Margaret Thatcher, Benazir Bhutto and Golda Meir were respected by their parties and enough to gain the majority in their respective countries. Above all, nobody considered them weak by any stretch of the imagination and they had to have three times the balls as anyone else just to get where they were in their countries.

When someone says that a woman would make for a weak leader (read, "wussy"), it's a wimpy cop-out and historically inaccurate.

Blogger WunEyedDog said...

I share the opinion that Hilary is just a douche. I don't think that a woman would necessarily lose, but I guaran-fucking-tee that Hilary would lose. Why? She's a douche, plain and simple. She has more baggage than Paris fucking Hilton on a weekend getaway at the Ho Ranch. Have I mentioned that she's a douche?

Blogger DogGirl said...

I'm moving to Amsterdam.

Blogger Dennis! said...

I think that this country can be ready for a woman president.

There no freaking way in hell that woman president will by HRC, though. She's a lightning rod and will easily drive tens of thousands of republicans to the polls who otherwise would have just stayed home.

Blogger poet1b said...

I actually think Hillary would have a good chance. Hillary has one important factor, the Bill factor. Billy is probably the cleverest politician out there, better than Rove. Gore lost because he didn't listen to Bill. The question is, How much of a team are Hill and Bill? If Hillary is going to win she is going to have to move hard to the center, or even right of center and court all those disenfranchised repubs out there who are very unhappy with the neocons, and take the liberal voter completely for granted, cause we should be smart enough to support her no matter what, should she win the nomination. Hillary probably will run, and beating her will be the test for any demo who is going to have a legitimate shot at the oval office. Personally, I like Feingold, who is another minority candidate, and who I think would be the best pol capable of running the country.

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