As liberals, we are more concerned with winning arguments than we are with winning elections.
Moderates and conservatives, please add your thoughts as well.
Moderates and conservatives, please add your thoughts as well.
Winning elections, what's that?
honestly, I'm a big liberal, and I'm still waiting to find a party with a pair big enough to actually get an agenda successfully pushed through...The democrats have thoroughly disappointed me.
The problem is that liberals are open to new ideas, are generally free thinkers, and more intellectually inclined than the knuckle-dragging unevolved apes in that other party.
They all think alike. They all believe the same thing. They can get their entire party behind one retard with monkey ears while we stand arguing.
The problem is: we're doing it right. National policy should be a debate, not a mandate. The only thing we can do is to each take one Midwesterner on and mentor them into the 20th century.
Yes, I know it's currently the 21st century, but we can't ask them to make the leap all at once.
I'm with J.J. For better or for worse, Liberals are more inclined to ponder principles, ideals concepts.
Conservatives are much more pragmatic (the good ones) or doggedly self-serving and egomaniacal bastards (the typical ones.)
Two things happen as a result: conservatives get defensive and angry (are you calling me stupid?) and conservatives advance their agenda while the liberals are still contemplating what the "right" thing to do is.
That's just my opinion, anyway.
The country has grown more conservative, it's an uphill battle for Dems to win national or even state elections and there's nothing we can really do about that. And JJ, Midwesterners actually are fairly moderate, it's the Southern voters who are holding this nation back. They've given Bush a blank check so long as he makes sure that gays don't ever get to marry!
Gays can't marry? Damn, that is so wrong. I need to talk to someone about this.
The conservatives are just happy that lady in Crawford, TX has gone AWOL after Katrina hit.
I find it interesting to note that conservatives keep saying that they are protecting their money by not voting democrat, but property taxes, gas prices, food prices - cost of living in general is completely out of control. How is that saving hard earned money?
Oh yeah?
ms. pants,
Winning elections for dems (at least in my adulthood) was born in 1992 when Bill Clinton decided to not listen to the people who ruined Mondale and Dukakis and speak to people other than east coast intellectuals. Unfortunately, it died in 2000 when Al Gore wouldn't let Clinton campaign for him because some people didn't like Clinton. (Those people were called Republicans and never would have voted for Gore anyway).
the democratic party is disorganized and weak. They have no leader. But they didn't have a leader in '91 either until Clinton immerged. Let's hope our savior lies in wait.
There aren't enough ultra-conservatives to win a national election. They're the people who think as one and there's no way we'll ever win them over. We need to appeal to the moderates.
Right now, even though you may disagree with him on a lot of issues, wouldn't you rather have John McCain as President over Bush?
It's a fact. We need to appeal to moderates and Kerry did a piss-poor job of
yes, I would argue this country needs pragmatic citizens. It wouldn't function well without them. The selfish bastards can go to hell.
a lot of Southerners voted for Clinton, but Kerry was a hard sell for the good ol' boys.
Ditto my comment to littlemissknit.
I think Katrina will hurt Bush more than Cindy Sheehan ever could.
I knew you were conservative because JJ and Andi are the only two liberals in Texas.
I agree. I believe the British call it being penny wise and pound foolish.
Steph again,
Wow, you must make A LOT of money, because only the ultra rich are actually helped by Bush's tax cuts.
As a matter of fact, more people became new millionaires under Clinton than under Bush, because the economy was better, and a good economy makes more people rich. All Bush has done is make old millionaires much richer, shrunk the middle class, and raised poverty levels.
I do agree that we at least seem to prefer winning arguments. We get a big kick out of belittling people of faith, and that isn't going to get us anywhere.
Oh, and Steph, feel free to express your opinion on my blog regarding any subject. I might not agree and in fact your opinion might piss me off, but I won't think any less of you. My brother is far more conservative than you, believe me, and I still love the fuckin' Nazi. (Just kidding about the Nazi thing).
Okay, ignore that sentence fragment way below my first string of comments. I wasn't going to delete that entire long ass comment to fix it.
darn tooting, but its really hard to get rich white old guys scared about homophobia and race relations.. also, they couldn't give two shits about whether or not a woman has access to abortion.. why? rich white men don't really need them, except for when they knock up their babysitters...
While I'm not usually up for generalities, that was kinda fun....
It's not the winning, it's the losing.
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