Foes of the Feathered Mullet, YOU'RE ON NOTICE
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Thanks again, Erin. You can find her at
I just came in my pants.
I just came in Tits' pants.
ok, not really.
You were wearing Tit's pants?
Give me my pants back, Nick. You perv.
Aren't palsy twats and stumblecunts redundant?
I want to see nick wearing tits' pants
I want to see Tits sans pants.
This is the best comment string ever.
Those who talk the most about tits' pants, see them the least.
With that in mind...
Oh, and that Colbert thing is fun too! I namedropped the Baldwin brothers, Tracy Morgan and Liberal, Kansas in mine. And you know I put my own name in it too, because I'm sexually insecure.
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