Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'd leave Sarah alone, but she just keeps speaking
It hasn't been a good week to be an "abstinence-only"-teaching loon who's running for vice president. Apparently, after months of coaching from the same people who made George W. Bush seem almost lifelike in 2000, Sarah Palin still has NO IDEA what a vice president does. In a typically softball interview she answered a question from a third grader: "What does the Vice President do?" Simple, huh? No, because she got the answer wrong.

Sarah Palin, the newest "star" of the Republican party, thinks the VP runs the Senate and "can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes."

NO NO NO! Yes, the Vice President is "President of the Senate", but the VP plays a procedural role and has no vote unless there's a tie. There are three branches of the government for a reason. I wonder if Sarah thinks she'll be able to wander on down to the Supreme Court and help them with the really tough cases? Jesus, her arrogance is fucking boundless. I honestly think she wants to be elected Queen of America.
I never feared a John McCain presidency until he selected Palin.

Then there's the small matter of her little shopping spree. In the past few months, the Republican National Committee has spent over $150,000 to dress Caribou Barbie, buying clothes from Saks, Macy's, and Neiman-Marcus. In other words, when Joe Sixpack, whom Sarah Palin cares about SO MUCH, donated his hard-earned money to help his hero John McCain get elected, a portion of that money went to dress Sarah Palin in clothes from places ol' Joe can't afford to shop. Joe should be fucking pissed.

Remember the right-wing outrage over John Edwards and his $400 haircut? Well, "populist" Sarah Palin just spent enough for Edwards to get one fancy-ass haircut a week for over seven years! I'm guessing Rush Limbaugh will either ignore or defend this shopping spree; call it a hunch I have.


Blogger Ian McGibboney said...

I say we give her eight years to figure it out. That's just enough time for Dan Quayle to explain it to her. What do you think?

Blogger Ubermilf said...

How much of that went toward lipstick?

I hope they get her stink out of those clotrhes when they donate them to charity like they claim they are going to do after the election.

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

I wonder if they spent that money fixing up her daughters too? Considering she spent taxpayer money to fly them all over the country on state business.

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

I wonder if they spent that money fixing up her daughters too? Considering she spent taxpayer money to fly them all over the country on state business.

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