Back in 1994 I was a member of the now-forgotten Generation X, so I was eager to see the movie Reality Bites, starring Winona Ryder (who was great in the best film ever, Heathers ) and that kid from Dead Poet's Society.
The film, like most things in life, was a bitter disappointment. Every single thing about the movie was contrived and annoying. Every character made me wish a serial killer would suddenly be added to the storyline. But the worst thing about this cinematic shitpile was Ethan Hawke's character.
He's an unemployed "artist", a grunge rocker of course, who sits around never washing his hair and spouting painfully hip non sequiturs that are about as funny as Kurt Cobain's suicide note. Then when we, the patronized audience, finally get to see him perform, he's fucking awful!
Despite being a talentless asshole with not one redeeming quality, who just HAS TO smell like sewage (LOOK AT HIM, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!), Winona Ryder chooses him in the end. Why? Because he's better looking than Ben Stiller. Hooray, shallowness.
I'm reminded of this crappy movie because last night, while at a social gathering, I saw a guy who reminded me of Ethan Hawke's character. I even told someone, "That guy thinks he's Ethan Hawke from Reality Bites." And not just his look; it was his attitude as well. He thought he was too good to ever be anywhere. That guy was an insufferable prick in 1994; in 2007, he's a fucking joke.