On February 3, 2002, the underdog New England Patriots defeated the heavily favored St. Louis Rams in the Super Bowl. The Pats, lead by Tom Brady, an unknown 6th round draft pick, were quite a story at the time. I'd say that everyone in America except Rams fans were cheering for New England that day.
Less than six years later, the Patriots have already won two other Super Bowls and just completed the first undefeated season since the NFL went to a 16-game schedule. They're also BY FAR the most hated team in the league. How did this happen?
Well, it starts with their brilliant but classless coach. Surly, humorless, and a proven cheater, Bill Belichick is a true Renaissance Man for complete scumbags. Their fans, the entire johnnycake-eating lot of 'em, are arrogant in a way that makes New York Yankee supporters seem humble and self-effacing. I want to move to Massachusetts just so I can start smacking them with a sack of doorknobs.
Even Tom Brady, the former underdog turned champion, has slowly morphed into Scott Baio. How many supermodels has he impregnated? He's fucked more models than anorexia. Several years for now, look for the VH-1 series Tom Brady is Forty-Five and Single, But Has Six Baby-Mamas.
God damn the Patriots for being such assholes. God damn them for running up the score on shitty opponents. But most of all, god damn them for forcing me to cheer for both the Eagles and Giants in the same season. I wanted someone, ANYONE, to beat New England so this "Path to Perfection" bullshit would stop. Now the playoffs are my only hope.
Go Anyone But New England!