In my opinion, gays are the new blacks. Allow me to explain: Some people always have to have someone to hate, and since it isn't socially acceptable to be a racist these days, the gays are a convenient scapegoat. Take Reverend Jerry Falwell, for example. In the 1950s he was a segregationist. He used passages from the Bible to justify his belief that black and white America should be two seperate entities. This is funny to me, because there aren't any white people in the Bible. Nothing in the Bible happened in Europe. Your favorite Bible-type folk were all brown, all the time. This inconvenient fact never stopped Reverend Falwell from preaching from his pulpit that it was a sin for whites and blacks to live amongst one another.
Years later, when societal views shifted, Falwell realized it would be hard for a racist to swindle the elderly and the ignorant out of their money, which is what all televangelists do, so he renounced his hatred of blacks and turned his God-fearing ignorance toward them pesky sodomites. A legion of the narrow-minded soon followed his lead.
Reverend Falwell has every right as a "minister" to deny same-sex marriage in his church. Since his "ministry" is funded not by U.S. taxpayers but by the pensions and disability checks of the people from which he steals, it's his choice. And if the Catholic church wants to budget time from its busy schedule of protecting priests who've raped children to "take the moral high ground" regarding marriage, that's fine by me.
But there is no reason why two consenting adult taxpayers, regardless of gender, can't go to City Hall and get married (or call it a civil union). These people are U.S. citizens, so any moral qualms anyone has about homosexuality is irrelevant. It doesn't matter if Uncle Jedjack from Alabama finds it distasteful. I find it distasteful that Britney Spears and K-Fed are married, but I wouldn't deny them their rights.
***On another subject, why in God's good name doesn't Crystal from have a book deal? A few nice people have suggested I deserve a book deal because of this tripe, but I have to admit I'm not worthy. Not even close.
Crystal, on the other hand, writes the funniest blog I've read, and she's book deal-less! Unsigned, people! I'm guessing the powers-that-be had one book deal left to give to a female blogger, so they handed it over to yet another smug, overdressed, self-obsessed, stuffy, pseudo-intellectual, Manhattan Sex in the City ripoff chick. God, I've read some of those blogs and every word is PAINFUL to me. None of these women will ever be satisfied until science invents a pill that makes their excrement smell like the inside of a Prada purse. Fuck off and die!!
***I almost cried when I saw my first paycheck. Retards who sell newspapers on expressway exit ramps make more money than I do. Immigrants selling roadside produce are like Donald Trump to me. I don't mind working, I just hate looking for work. But I have to find something else, and soon.
***Well, "President" Bush vetoed the stem-cell research bill, despite its support by a vast majority of Americans. Three people with a lot of money are against stem-cell research, so by all means let's shitcan the whole operation. "They might use aborted fetuses," one of them said before he slipped on the snail-trail left by the other two. YES, BY ALL MEANS SAVE THE FUCKING PRECIOUS UNBORN FETUSES. NEVER DO ANYTHING TO HELP ANYONE WHO'S ALREADY ALIVE, BUT KEEP YOUR HANDS OUT OF GOD'S COOKIE JAR!!! Fact: When Bill Clinton ran in '92, pro-life protesters threw fetuses at him, on more than one occasion. If they had used just one of those fetuses for stem-cell research, maybe Ronald Reagan wouldn't have spent the last twelve years of his life drooling into a bucket hanging from his chin. I'm kind of glad Reagan went out like that, but I'm a vindictive asshole. I guess President Bush and I do have something in common.